Saturday, December 1, 2007

Are you afraid to be creative?

I think we all are.
Most of us want to be creative..but not too creative, as interesting as that might be.
I could write a lot more on that, but just think about it.

And I read this just a few minutes ago:
"Form is an instrument, not a tyrant"

I wonder what it would be like if we all really just went for it.


DBD said...

thats interesting, where did u read that may i ask? seems like it could be some good winter reading material :) some cool artwork you're doing by the way.

Jenny Vu said...

The Shape of Content by Ben Shahn

Anonymous said...

That's it! Why are so many people afraid to try something different and arty? The most common excuse is; I know nothing about art. And they are not aware they just need to let it out by unlocking the door.